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Sylvatica, Trentino

Aromatic alpine herb salt FORESTA

Aromatic alpine herb salt FORESTA

Regular price €8,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €8,50 EUR
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Sale di Foresta comes from the selection of 20 botanical species that most characterize the Alpine territory due to their aromaticity. Elisa collects berries, flowers, leaves and seeds from spring to autumn which she then processes by hand, mixing them with whole Mediterranean sea salt. The salt you get is worth every single hour spent selecting the plants to harvest. With a rich, strong flavor and the characteristic scent of the forest, this aromatic salt is well suited to countless preparations.

  • Ingredienti: sale marino integrale, erbe aromatiche (in proporzione variabile): salvia selvatica, origano di montagna, origano bianco, timo di monte, timo officinale, ortica, achillea, podagraria, rosmarino, salvia officinale, elicriso, abete rosso, larice, abete bianco, ginepro, carota selvatica, cumino selvatico, myrrhis odorata, gallio zolfino, erba cipollina.
  • Formato: 90g
  • Allergeni:
  • Occasione per assaporarlo: con gli amici, con la famiglia
  • Abbinamenti: Primi piatti, Secondi piatti di verdure, Secondi piatti di carne, Cacciagione
  • Territorio: Villa Lagarina, Trentino
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  • Note di degustazione

    With a rich, strong flavor and the characteristic scent of the forest, once you try it you will no longer be able to do without it!

  • Abbinamenti: lasciati ispirare

    To flavor vegetables, gourmet salads, roasts, boiled meats, potatoes, omelettes and mushrooms. particularly suitable for game-based dishes.

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Aromatic alpine herb salt FORESTA
Aromatic alpine herb salt FORESTA
Aromatic alpine herb salt FORESTA
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€8,50/ea €0,00