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Mezzo Mieli Italiani, Trentino

Quattromieli Special Edition

Quattromieli Special Edition

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(1 cucchiaino di miele = 1 vita di lavoro di una sola ape)

Quattromieli was born from years of research, experimentation and profound knowledge. Apicoltura Mezzo Mieli Italiani has managed to package four different honeys in a single jar to offer the pleasure of savoring, layer after layer, the uniqueness of these fantastic natural products.

Quattromieli is a unique honey that contains four distinct layers of fir honeydew, rhododendron, Vezzena wildflower and raspberry, each with its own organoleptic characteristics. Each layer offers a different taste experience, combining sweetness, delicacy, freshness and complex aromas.

Apicoltura Mezzo Mieli Italiani is a small mountain beekeeping business located in Valsugana, Trentino. The mountainous, steep and impervious territory, with very short seasons and unstable production, allows us to obtain honeys of great organoleptic value. The company practices nomadism by exploiting the climatic and vegetation variability of the mountains, moving the hives from the warmest areas to high altitudes to obtain extremely high-quality honey. Every qualitative aspect of the honey is taken care of in detail, and the product is extracted and processed without altering its organoleptic and healthful qualities. The bees are raised according to sustainable practices that respect animal welfare.

  • Formato: 400g
  • Occasione per assaporarlo: Perfetto per arricchire colazioni e merende, o come dolcificante naturale in bevande calde e fredde.
  • Abbinamenti: Formaggi, Gelati, Tisane
  • Territorio: Valsugana, Trentino
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Come un artista ritrae il paesaggio così le api lo esplorano.

Mentre il primo lo fissa sulla tela, le api ne colgono la più autentica essenza. Il miele è un dipinto del territorio che solo grazie a loro, ci è consentito assaporare”.

Note di degustazione

FIR HONEYDEW: Produced in the spruce forests at 1100 meters above sea level. On the nose it offers aromas of fir resin, chocolate, candied citrus peels and hints of smoke. On the palate it is medium sweet with notes of malt and caramel.

RHODODENDRO: Produced on the Lagorai chain at 1600 meters above sea level. The nose is ethereal with hints of snow and fresh flowers. In the mouth it is sweet, finely delicate, with fresh and floral flavors and light hints of wild thyme.

VEZZENA MILLEFIORI: Produced on the Vezzena plateau at 1400 meters above sea level. Characterized by Raspberry and Fir Honeydew. On the nose you can perceive fir resin, condensed milk and citrus peel. On the palate it is medium sweet with hints of beeswax, fruit and toasted barley.

RASPBERRY: Harvested in the mountain areas of Valsugana. Light in color and creamy consistency. On the nose, notes of fresh raspberry. In the mouth it is sweet and enveloping with a slightly acidic aftertaste.

  • Abbinamenti: lasciati ispirare

    Quattromieli honey pairs perfectly with fresh and mature cheeses, enhancing their flavors and creating a perfect balance. Also ideal to accompany artisanal ice creams, adding a touch of natural sweetness and a distinctive fruity note. Excellent as a sweetener for herbal teas and infusions, enriching the drink with its intense aroma and beneficial properties.

  • Metodo di produzione

    The bees are raised according to sustainable practices that respect animal welfare. After careful harvesting of the honey, the product is extracted and processed without heat treatments or pasteurization, to preserve all its organoleptic and healthy qualities. The natural crystallization is controlled to obtain a creamy and uniform consistency, improving the pleasure on the palate. Being a high mountain honey, rhododendron honey enhances the hard work of the beekeeper who practices nomadism among the mountain blossoms, obtaining a product of excellence and very high quality.

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Quattromieli Special Edition
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