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Sylvatica, Trentino

Trentino wildflower honey

Trentino wildflower honey

Regular price €8,90 EUR
Regular price €9,90 EUR Sale price €8,90 EUR
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(1 cucchiaino di miele = 1 vita di lavoro di una sola ape)

1 teaspoon of honey = 1 working life of a single bee.

As an artist portrays the landscape, so bees explore it. While the first fixes it on the canvas, the bees capture its most authentic essence. honey is a painting of the territory that only thanks to them, we are allowed to savor ".

This honey will take you to the flowery meadows of the Alps. A sensorial experience where we challenge you to recognize the scent and taste of the bouquet of flowers present. 1000 FLOWERS coming exclusively from the bees that live in Elisa's 2 mountain apiaries, the face behind Sylvatica, surrounded by woods and immersed in flower meadows and medicinal gardens .

  • Formato: 260g
  • Occasione per assaporarlo: momento relax, con gli amici, con la famiglia
  • Abbinamenti: Formaggi, Gelati, Tisane
  • Territorio: Villa Lagarina, Trentino
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Come un artista ritrae il paesaggio così le api lo esplorano.

Mentre il primo lo fissa sulla tela, le api ne colgono la più autentica essenza. Il miele è un dipinto del territorio che solo grazie a loro, ci è consentito assaporare”.

Note di degustazione

Intense flavor, with complex aromas and aromas, will tantalize your senses.

  • Abbinamenti: lasciati ispirare

    Ideal for tasting with seasoned, tasty mountain pasture cheeses, young and half-matured goat's cheeses.

    Also excellent with cow's and goat's milk ricotta, natural cow's and goat's milk yoghurt, natural yoghurt and an ingredient in a good artisanal ice cream.

    Also add to one of Sylvatica's mountain herbal teas if desired.

  • Metodo di produzione

    Pure unpasteurized honey obtained through manual honey extraction and cold centrifuge. Any crystallization represents a natural process.

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Trentino wildflower honey
Trentino wildflower honey
Trentino wildflower honey
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