Leisure: trip to the Consèria hut

With January, I am back to enjoying the days in a somewhat slower style. Sunday is our day off to catch our breath and enjoy the beautiful days this month of January is giving us. What could be better than a nice ride in the mountains?

The Valsugana and the surrounding valleys are beautiful even at this time of year: among fresh snow and frozen waterfalls, nature is at rest, radiating a snow-white beauty. As we climbed, the silence of the forest, interrupted only by the crunch of snow underfoot, accompanied us in a kind of natural meditation.

One of the activities I like to do in my free time is to go hiking in the mountains, and I have decided to share with you a beautiful meditative walk in the woods of Val Campelle, easily accessible from the village of Scurelle, in Lower Valsugana, where cross-country skiing enthusiasts can find a challenging route to try their hand at this discipline.

On a beautiful Sunday in January, with clear skies and fresh air, we decided to reach the Consèria mountain hut from the convenient car park near the bridge of the same name.

From here, equipped with hiking boots, crampons and trekking poles, we decided to take the 5 Croci forest road, which takes about 1.5 hours to reach the refuge, which is open at weekends during the winter months. However, there are two other alternatives to reach the refuge: the SAT 326, which takes about 50 minutes, and the Nassere/Sentiero delle Aie forest road, the latter being an excellent alternative if you want to make an easy loop.

The refuge, which also offers accommodation, serves a very simple but tasty Trentino menu: canederli, polenta with lucanica, sauerkraut and cheese, and even homemade vegan cakes! The kitchen opens at 12 noon, so it is advisable to get there in time to find a seat before the rush hour (the wait for a seat can be up to an hour!).

After a nice typical lunch and an unmissable bike ride, we decided to return along the SAT 326, which took us back to Ponte Consèria, offering us fantastic winter landscapes.

If you love the mountains and authentic experiences, this is an experience I recommend to everyone: whether you like to walk alone, to find yourself, or whether you want to share it with friends or family, it is a perfect opportunity to regenerate.

Let me know if you decide to try it, I am curious to hear your impressions!

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